Subscribe to the vintageguitarandbass youtube channel for more vintage guitar and bass demos. Also, check out the longer versions of these videos (demonstrating more settings, and more sounds) in the supporting members area here
Filter videos by brand:Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
Here is a very short clip of a super cool Super Ace by Vox. Made in England in the JMI factory circa 1963 - and paired with a gorgeous 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb. Check out the other clips of this guitar/amp combination, or watch the long version (25+ different, from rich and warm, through superbly crunchy, to interplanetary exploration) in the vintageguitarandbass 'supporting members' area here. Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox Symphonic, 1963 WEM ER-15
This clip shows this 1966 Vox Symphonic bass played through a 1963 WEM ER15 with 1x12" Pick-A-Bass cab. This is a really nice playing bass, not dissimilar from the early 1960s Precision on which it was based. It's got a good tone, and is a far more substantial bass than many made by Vox. Strung here with Fender 9050L flatwound strings. This video shows a small sample of sounds using different bass and amp settings. See the longer version for a more in depth view of what this guitar/amp combination can do.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox New Escort, 1976 WEM Dominator mkIII
This is a fabulous guitar - Vox's take on the Fender Telecaster (which was in pretty short supply in mid-1960s Britain), and actually a pretty awesome player. It has some gorgeous snarl through this WEM Dominator, but check it out through the 1963 WEM ER15 and 1965 Vox AC4 in our other videos.
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Bassmaster, 1963 WEM ER-15
A UK-built (JMI) 1963 Vox Bassmaster dual pickup bass guitar, played through an (also 1963) British WEM ER-15 head with Pick-A-Bass cab. I usually prefer flatwounds on basses like this, but the ancient rattley roundwounds that were on it just sounded so great cranked up, I had to record it. Check it out - listen to the end!
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
Here is a very short clip of a super cool Super Ace by Vox. Made in England in the JMI factory circa 1963 - and paired with a gorgeous 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb. The Vibrato and Reverb on this amp are just MAGNIFICENT. Check out the other clips of this guitar/amp combination, or watch the long version (25+ different, from rich and warm, through superbly crunchy, to interplanetary exploration) in the vintageguitarandbass 'supporting members' area here. Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox Symphonic, 1963 WEM ER-15
This clip shows this 1966 Vox Symphonic bass played through a 1963 WEM ER15 with 1X12" Pick-A-Bass cab. This is a really nice playing bass, not dissimilar from the early 1960s Precision on which it was based. It's got a good tone, and is a far more substantial bass than many made by Vox. Strung here with Fender 9050L flatwound strings.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Bassmaster, 1973 WEM Dominator Bass Mk 1
The WEM Dominator bass amp is a British 15w tube amp with a 15" Celestion G15M speaker. And it gets plenty dirty! Always my first choice for some snarly overdriven bass. The Vox Bassmaster is a cool little guitar, and as can be heard here quite capable of laying down some tones! It's very, very, playable, the Vox V1 pickups are pretty sweet, and the combination of short scale and thin neck make this one of the easiest playing basses ever made!
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox New Escort, 1976 WEM Dominator mkIII
This is a fabulous guitar - Vox's take on the Fender Telecaster (which was in pretty short supply in mid-1960s Britain), and actually a pretty awesome player. It has some gorgeous snarl through this WEM Dominator, but check it out through the 1963 WEM ER15 and 1965 Vox AC4 in our other videos
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
1963 Vox Super Ace vs 1973 Fender Vibrolux (Shure left, Heil right) Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46) - The Vibrolux is an AWESOME amp! Like it's big brother, the Fender Twin, it has a great clean tone, cavernous reverb, and the most amazing vibrato - but in a smaller 40 Watt 2x10 package. A superb recording amp indeed. And just perfect for blues. But it does rattle a bit when turned to high. I use other amps for distorted tones, but the Vibrolux is the GOD of clean! The Vox Super Ace, with it's V2 single coil pickups has a really great sound too - three three pickups operate one at a time, with tone controls for the middle and neck only - this guitar has some superbly beautiful warm tones, with these tones rolled down a little (or a lot!). It doesn't do bright and piercing as well as it does warm and rich, but it's a real pleasure to play. This video demonstrates 25+ sounds, from rich and warm, through superbly crunchy, to interplanetary exploration.
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Bassmaster, 1964 Ampeg B-15N
For snarly distortion, I love my WEM amplifiers, but for cleaner tones, nothing beats an Ampeg B15. Unlike the previous videos (above), the bass is now strung with flatwound strings (shortscale, Rotosound Jazz Bass RS77S, 40-90, so still fairly light). These are not actually ideal, as the ball-end silk windings actually extend over the saddle - not great for accurate intonation, but it's the set I bought! (Labella Deep Talkin' strings don't have winding at this end, but I didn't have any spare on the day I was making the video). It's a nice sounding bass, although with somewhat limited controls: despite the dual pickups, it only has a master volume and master tone - no option to select the pickups individually. The neck is narrow, but not too shallow, and topped with a nice radiused rosewood fretboard. Some other early Vox instruments had a flat sycamore board - notably the Clubman bass. Actually rather good for playing some of those faster runs not so easy on some necks. The Vox V1 pickups are (as always) pretty nice - plenty of midrange and a lot of character. This bass is very light (just a shade over 3kg), and a lot of fun to play, but probably too primative to be anyone's main bass.
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox New Escort, 1965 Vox AC4
This is a fabulous guitar - Vox's take on the Fender Telecaster (which was in pretty short supply in mid-1960s Britain), and actually a pretty awesome player. It sounds pretty good through this contemporaneous Vox AC4, but check it out through the 1960s WEM ER15 and early 70s WEM Dominator
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox Symphonic, 1964 Ampeg B-15N
This clip shows this 1966 Vox Symphonic bass played through a 1964 Ampeg B15. This is a really nice playing bass, not dissimilar from the early 1960s Precision on which it was based. It's got a good tone, and is a far more substantial bass than many made by Vox. Strung here with Fender 9050L flatwound strings
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 197X WEM Clubman MK 8
The WEM Clubman is one of the brands smaller amplifiers - just 5 watts through a single 12 inch speaker. But it's an awesome sounding amp, especially if you want a bit of grit! And the three-pickup Vox Super Ace has a lot of different tones. This video shows just one sound: the middle pickup of the Vox with the tone rolled down a little, through a fairly tame amp. Crank up those controls for some MUCH hotter sounds. Check out the other long version of this video in the vintageguitarandbass 'supporting members' area to see what this combination can do. Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about this instrument here: 1966 Vox Symphonic
This clip shows this 1966 Vox Symphonic bass played through a Marshall 2061X reissue head / Marshall 1550 1x15 cab. This is a pretty gainy amp, and certainly not one to chose if you want hi-fi clean sounds. I've just used the bass channel here, but it can get a whole lot grittier if you daisy chain the lead and bass channels together, Strung here with Fender 9050L flatwound strings.
I'm not entirely happy with this video. The low E string sounds like it is a little to low and clanks against the frets a bit too often, and the Electrovoice microphone was starting to fail, adding extraneous vibrations to the signal. I'll replace this video when I get to record a better version.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Vox New Escort, 1963 WEM ER-15
This is a fabulous guitar - Vox's take on the Fender Telecaster (which was in pretty short supply in mid-1960s Britain), and actually a pretty awesome player. It sounds pretty good through this 1963 WEM ER15 with some lovely rich tones, but check it out through the 1965 Vox AC4 and early 70s WEM Dominator
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1967 Vox Clubman, 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
This clip shows a rather atypical Vox Clubman (with rosewood fretboard and adjustable neck), played through a 40w 2x10" silverface Fender Vibrolux. Nice guitar, superb amp! Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46). Check out the link above for the specs of this unusual variant of the Vox Clubman, and watch the long version of this video in the vintageguitarandbass supporting members area, to hear a bit more of this guitar / amp under different settings.
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1961 Hohner Zambesi, 1965 Vox AC4
This is a really interesting early British guitar, and nicely built, with electronics by Fenton Weill, and woodwork by furniture manufacturer Stuart Darkins. It sounds pretty dark, with a fat woody tone - in part the result of it's solid mahogany body and set mahogany neck - far more like an early Gibson than an early Fender. The neck is deep and solid - and doesn't feel like it could move much - there is no adjustable truss rod. In fact there isn't much adjustability at all - the pickup height is set, and the floating bridge requires manual placement. But despite all this, it is a very playable guitar! And it works well with this mid-sixties Vox AC4. Great guitar (despite some hardware peculiarities), great amp!
There is a much longer video of this guitar exploring more settings from this guitar / amp in the vintageguitarandbass supporting members area here.
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1961 Hohner Zambesi, 1965 Vox AC4
This is a really interesting early British guitar, and nicely built, with electronics by Fenton Weill, and woodwork by furniture manufacturer Stuart Darkins. It sounds pretty dark, with a fat woody tone - in part the result of it's solid mahogany body and set mahogany neck - far more like an early Gibson than an early Fender. The neck is deep and solid - and doesn't feel like it could move much - there is no adjustable truss rod. In fact there isn't much adjustability at all - the pickup height is set, and the floating bridge requires manual placement. But despite all this, it is a very playable guitar! And it works well with this mid-sixties Vox AC4. Great guitar (despite some hardware peculiarities), great amp!
Recorded here with a Heil PR-40 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 197X WEM Clubman MK 8
The WEM Clubman is one of the brands smaller amplifiers - at just 5 watts through a single 12 inch speaker, you're probably going to have the volume turned up somewhat. And this is where the magic is. Yes the clean tones are nice, but when you crank this amp, you get some seriously rich, and superbly creamy overdrive. As always, we start clean, turning gain up as we go. The three V2 single-coil pickup Vox Super Ace has plenty of tonal variation too. The combination of Vox Super Ace and WEM Clubman must have disturbed countless neighbours in the UK in the early 1970s. Not loud enough to gig, but a great recording set up with some awesome tone! TURN IT UP! Strung here with Gibson bright wires (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1967 Vox Clubman, 1973 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
The Vox Clubman is known as a pretty straightforward guitar, with a flat fretboard and no truss rod adjustment. But this example from 1967 was factory fitted with the same neck as the Vox Consort or Soundcaster: i.e. a curved rosewood fretboard on a fully adjustable neck, with floating metal bridge to match. Combined with a lightweight mahogany body, and Vox's V1 pickups, it makes a pretty respectable, instrument; far better than your typical mid-sixties Vox Clubman. Read the story in the link above. Played here through a 40w 2x10" silverface Fender Vibrolux, it sounds pretty nice! This guitar is strung with Gibson bright wire strings (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Shadow, 1963 WEM ER-15
A nice dual pickup 1963 Vox Shadow played through a 1963 WEM ER15 amplifier. Early Vox guitars often don't have great build quality, but the pickups are pretty nice. With a little love and attention (specifically frets and set-up), these lightweight guitars can sing like a lark!
There were several Vox Shadow variants. Check out for a whole lot more on the Vox Shadow.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1965 Vox Ace, 1965 Vox AC4
Two very cool UK Vox (JMI) products from 1965: a dual pickup Ace guitar, and a 4w AC4 amp. Actually a great combination with a pretty wide tonal palette.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Clubman II, 1963 WEM ER-15
More about this guitar: Two from 1963. The Vox Clubman came as a single or dual pickup guitar - pretty basic, but with Vox's standard V1 pickups pretty nice sounding too. The WEM ER15 functions equally well as a guitar or bass amp, and with the gain turned up has PLENTY of bite.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1966 Epiphone Granada, 1965 Vox AC4
A gorgeous sunburst Epiphone Granada played through a 1965 Vox AC4 amplifier.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Shadow, 1965 Vox AC4
A nice dual pickup 1963 Vox Shadow played through a 1965 Vox AC4 amplifier. This model changed a lot through the sixties: different body styles, differing hardware and even different pickup arrangements. This example has the strat-style body, two pickups and tremolo.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1967 Vox Stroller, 1965 Vox AC4
A final year 1967 single pickup Vox Stroller played through a 1965 Vox AC4 amplifier.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about these instruments here: 1963 Vox Super Ace, 1964 Vox AC4
This is a really cool British-built vintage guitar from the early 60s. Nice sounding, with plenty of mellow with the neck pickup selected and the tone rolled down, but maybe not as much bite as you'd expect from the bridge pickup alone. (Perhaps the springs should be removed to raise the pickup further). The tremolo is pretty useable, and doesn't detune the guitar significantly with a little use - i've not really tried any dive bombs mind you! The AC4 is a cool amp, with a beautiful basic sound; it isn't really loud enough to disturb anyone else, but this does mean it doesn't get especially gainy either. I generally wish it would give a little more... Strung with Gibson bright wires (10-46).
Recorded here with a Shure SM57 (left channel) and a Heil PR-40 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!