The controls for the three-pickup Vox Shadow (formerly known as the Vox Dominator) are as follows:
[1] Master volume
[2] Middle pickup tone control
[3] Neck pickup tone control
[4] Bridge pickup (Vox V1)
[5] Middle pickup (Vox V1)
[6] Neck pickup (Vox V1)
[7] Three way pickup selector
Controls are quite simple: master volume [1]. Three identical pickups [4-6], and a three way switch [7] to select one pickup. It is not possible to use two or more pickups simultaneously. The controls are slightly unusal in that there is a tone pot for both the middle [2], and neck [3] pickups, and no means of changing bridge pickup tone. The three-pickup Shadow was fitted with black plastic control knobs rather than the white ones of two-pickup Shadows.
Recorded through a WEM Clubman mk8, mic'd with a Shure SM57, into a M-audio mobile pre USB interface
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