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Filter videos by brand:Find out more about this instrument here: 1966 Vox Symphonic
This clip shows this 1966 Vox Symphonic bass played through a Marshall 2061X reissue head / Marshall 1550 1x15 cab. This is a pretty gainy amp, and certainly not one to chose if you want hi-fi clean sounds. I've just used the bass channel here, but it can get a whole lot grittier if you daisy chain the lead and bass channels together, Strung here with Fender 9050L flatwound strings.
I'm not entirely happy with this video. The low E string sounds like it is a little to low and clanks against the frets a bit too often, and the Electrovoice microphone was starting to fail, adding extraneous vibrations to the signal. I'll replace this video when I get to record a better version.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about this instrument here: 1969 Gibson Melody Maker D
This is a wonderful playing guitar and a fantastic amp... really great combination! The 2061 has two channels, lead (left hand side) and bass (right hand side) - and both sound pretty cool, but the magic of this amp, at least for gainier sounds is when you patch the two together. This video demos the lead channel alone, then with it patched into the bass channel - in a range of volume and tone settings. I really like this guitar / amp combination with the tone rolled off a little - you can get some superbly rich tones - check it out around the 9 minute mark - tones to die for! As always the video starts with the cleaner tones, working through each guitar pickup configuration before tweaking the amp a little hotter as we go. The heavy overdriven sounds people most associate with Marshall start around the 11 minute mark.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!
Find out more about this instrument here: 1981 Gibson Victory Standard
Fantastic bass guitar - modelled on the single pickup Fender Precision, but with humbucking and single coil mode. Played through a very cool reissue Marshall 20w Lead and Bass tube amplifier. Superb amp, that can get a lot gainier than demonstrated here (if you daisy chain the channels), but i'll save that for another video. Strung (unusually for me) with roundwounds.
Recorded here with an Electrovoice RE-20 (left channel) and a Shure SM57 (right channel), through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface - highly recommended gear!