1965/66 catalog entry for the Hagstrom Viking; a then-new thinline semi-acoustic, making it's first appearance in a Selmer guitar catalogue. Thin-body semi-acoustics had risen in popularity massively, ever since their first appearance with the Gibson ES series in the late 1950s. This popularity peaked in the mid 1960s, but with instruments of Gibson's quality generally out of reach of the guitar buying public, other brands soon stepped in to offer an alternative.
With a UK price of 60 gns., the Viking was slightly cheaper than (but in the same ballpark) the Hofner Verithin (see page 4), but still only around a third of the price of the Gibson ES335TD (see page 29).
A new guitar from this brilliant Swedish manufacturer - designed to meet the increasing demand for the electro-acoustic sound
A companion bass model was also available in the UK through Selmer - see the next page.