Selmer 1960 Hofner and Futurama catalogue. Page 9. Details of the Hofner V1, V2 and V3 solid body guitars. These offset-body guitars were vaguely Stratocaster-shaped (although the similarities end there), and fitted with one, two and three 'Super Response' toaster pickups respectively. The three-pickup Hofner V3 is illustrated.
These early solids were well-made, with a set (glued in) neck, a quality finish and good components. These were some of the nicest solid body guitars widely available in Britain in 1960.
At 50 gns., the Hofner V3 was more expensive than the other solid bodies in this catalogue, more expensive than the Club 60, Senator, President; it was a fraction less than the Verithin (52gns.), but only the Committee and Golden Hofner were significantly higher priced!
C $1215