This Rosetti catalogue has no date, but would seem to be from 1971. "A World of Guitars by Rosetti" features guitars from numerous manufacturers worldwide - guitars by Epiphone, Hagstrom, Levin, Hoyer, Egmond, Eros, Moridaira, Kiso-Suzuki, Schaller, and Tatra.
Japanese guitars from Epiphone. The Epiphone pages are a last minute addition to this catalogue, having pages numbered 1-8, yet appearing in the very centre, between pages 18-19. This is effectively an update of the 1970 version, showing the 1802T and 1820 Bass with the traditional two-sided headstocks. Two guitars, two basses and five acoustics over eight pages.
Epiphone always the pace-setters in styling and performance, now change gear for a new era. Built beautifully, as they have always been built, but by a new association of cost-conscious craftsman, they cut the cost of excellence. Not by a little. By a margin so fantastic as to be unbelievable, if the prices had not been based on an enormous world-wide turnover. Epiphone still means leadership, but at prices that bring the superlative within the reach of every talent. Play Epiphone and you play the best there is, at a price you can now forward.
Rosetti had only been distributing Swedish Hagstrom guitars since 1969, after many years with Selmer. One guitar, two basses and five acoustics are included over 4 sides. Pages 21 to 24.
Another great name joins the Rosetti galaxy of star-makers. Hagstrom of Sweden build their instruments to compare with any in the world. Nothing but the best of materials, nothing but the closest attention to every detail of design and manufacturer, make these guitars master works of the modern craftsman. So much so that every instrument is held in the work-rooms until it has been inspected by specialists, both in fabrication and performance. And, should anything less than perfection slip through the net, Hagstrom, with Rosetti, will restore the instrument without question and without delay.
Another brand from Sweden. This catalogue has a three-page section of Levin fine acoustic guitars. These are the most expensive acoustic guitars available from Rosetti. Pages 9 to 11.
This catalogue has three pages of guitars by German maker Arnold Hoyer: three Jumbo acoustics; and Les Paul, Telecaster and SG-styled solid bodies. Pages 16 to 18.
Rosetti sold a number of re-badged guitars with the brand Eros (most likely a reference to the famous statue in Piccadilly Circus, London), including Matsumoku electrics from Japan - page 8 and Eko acoustics from Italy page 12.
44 pages. 11 1/2" x 8 1/2".