Re-introducing Guild electric guitars and bosses. Over the last two years, we've made major changes In all areas throughout the line—styling, electronics, hardware and finishes. The result is the finest collection of Instruments we've ever made, and one we hold comparable to any In the Industry, at any price point. In the pages of this catalog, we've tried to Incorporate direct quotations from well respected artists and magazines. We did not seek out their praise nor have we ever "paid" anyone to use Guild. As we created our new models, prototypes were supplied to them for the purpose of obtaining professional feedback, before ffnalizatlon of each instrument. This feedback was documented, and It Is this verbatim documentation that we present.
For years, Guild electrics have taken a back seat in popularity to their belter known contemporaries. No more. Our X-79 was the first distinctly different guitar design released In almost twenty years. Our M-80 has been favorably compared to one of the most famous Instruments ever produced. Our X-82 Is another combination of exciting style and sound. Our basses possess the most requested looks and features, with that extra touch only Guild craftsmanship can bring.
That last statement is very significant. In an age of machine replacing man, indifferent quality control, and slick foreign made imitations, there still exists at Guild an Individual pride In workmanship among all the staff. A pride that restores meaning to the words "American Made." So. all we ask is that you consider a Guild when you're searching for that ultimate Instrument. Visit your dealer and play one. The time and effort you put Into your music should not go unrewarded.