Page eight details three Guild solid body guitars, the superbly equipped Guild Thunderbird S-200, Polara S-100 and entry level Jet-Star S-50. Note this page is identical to the equivalent page in the 1965/1966 and 1966 catalogs. The Guild Polara was described as follows:
For the modern technician, a luxurious solid body guitar that contributes color and sparkle to every performance, while blending easily with other instruments. Hand sculptured for comfort, this graceful Guild is 13 1/4" wide, 17 3/4" long, and only 1 9/16" deep. Has the famous Guild fast-action neck, 24 3/4" scale, and 22 frets. Equipped with 2 Guild "Frequency-Tested" pickups with 2 tone and 2 volume controls, plus toggle switch for pick-up selection. At no extra cost, offers the convenience of the Guild Built-In Guitar Stand, which holds the instrument securely in ready-to-use position. Has Guild Adjusto-Matic 6-Way Bridge, specially engineered vibrato tailpiece, and input jack. Factory-fitted with Guild EA-610 Strings. Cherry-Red "Starfire" Sunburst Finish
The S-50 was available in Cherry red finish as standard. The Polara and Thunderbird Cherry or Sunburst. In June 1968, US prices for these guitars were as follows: Thunderbird S-200 $375; Polara S-100 $280, Jet-Star S-50 $159.50 ($185 with vibrato). Other Custom finishes: White, Emerald Green, Ebony Grain (and others) available at a $20 premium.