The first of two pages featuring Guild flat-top acoustic guitars. Six models are shown, the Guild F-47 Bluegrass, D-40 Bluegrass Jubilee, D-50 Bluegrass Special, and F-50 / F-50-R Navarre. Folk guitarist Carolyn Hester is shown playing the F-47 Bluegrass.
This page is almost identical to the equivalent pages in the 1965/1966 and 1966 Guild catalogs, using the same images and model descriptions. The cases offered are updated however, and this page includes the first catalog mention of the electric version of the D-40, the D-40-E.
The F-50-R Navarre was the most expensive flat-top in the 1968 Guild line - differing from the Standard F-50 in having rosewood back and sides. The F-50 was described as follows:
An example of traditional guitar craftsmanship in its finest form... a revelation in pure, rich guitar tone. Jumbo size body, 17" wide by 21" long by 4 1/2" deep, has fine grain spruce top, with sides and back of choice curly maple. Exquisite ivoroid binding around body, double ivoroid circles around sound hole, black and white ivoroid along fingerboard. Fast-action hard maple and walnut neck with adjustable steel rod. Imported ebony fingerboard inlaid with 2-tone genuine mother-of-pearl position markers. Gold-plated non-slip tuning pegs. Finest Guild Strings.
June 1968 US prices for these guitars were as follows: D-40 $265; D-40-E $315; F-47 $325; D-50 $420; F-50 (Sunburst) $450; F-50 (Blonde) $475; F-50-R $585.
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