Guild 1963 catalog. Front cover. The immediate focus of this catalog is on fine archtop acoustics, which fill the opening pages of this catalog - just look at the cover - this catalog is surely aimed at the older professional musician rather than the emerging beat generation. By the end of the decade Guild guitar catalogs were very much more youth orientated, featuring the likes of Eric Clapton and the Grateful Dead.
For the Guild-equipped guitarist, doors open magically ...musical ideas come alive ...the journey of success is an exciting one! Your Guild is built in America's most modern Guitar factory, where quality is the watchword in the true tradition of Guild craftsmanship. Its unique design and engineering facilities, its close liaison with New York's recording professionals, its clear understanding of teachers' aims and students' problems Guild in a special position of leadership among manufacturers of quality musical instruments. Now, in the Golden Age of the Guitar good to yourself with a Guild