Closed gear strip tuning keys. The Kluson 303-V differs from the 301-V by having nickel plated key posts; they are unplated on the 301-V. The removed strip clearly shows the three post-holes and the position of the four screws that hold these tuners in place. The guitar pictured is one of the last Melody Maker guitars built in 1969 (more pictures), with just one (of two) Kluson Deluxe tuners fitted. Higher-end models tended to have individual machine heads, rather than three (or six) on a strip. Postholes have an approximate diameter of 7.4 mm. As can be seen they are very simple and lightweight tuning keys, with no parts that can be removed or disassembled. Note the 'Kluson Deluxe' text on each gear cover. In earlier examples this runs down the centre of the cover (see the 1964 Melody Maker, pictured). In the 1966 example the words are separated to the left and right (see the 1966 Epiphone Granada, and the 1969 Melody Maker).
The Kluson 303-V was fitted to numerous guitars, including the Gibson Melody Maker, SG Junior, SG Special, ES-120T, ES-125, ES-140, ES-225, LG1, L48, B25, J45, J50, Epiphone Granada.
List of Gibson guitar tuners