Gibson part number 13670. The Marauder pickups were unique to the model, and unusually for a Gibson, were a combination of a superhumbucker at the neck(front) position and a single coil at the bridge. As described in the 1974 Marauder publicity record, the idea was to use "two entirely different pickup designs, each offering something completely unique". Whilst the back pickup was exceedingly bright, the front pickup was far warmer.
It was of super humbucking, traditional coil configuration, with three indox ceramic magnets for "bright/loud" tonality. From the Gibson 1978 promo magazine: "The front pickup is similar to the Super Humbucker with small additional magnets reinforcing and directing the field". Dimensions 1.64" x 2.87" x 0.75" tall.
Between 1974 and mid-1978 pickups were mounted in a translucent cover allowing the coils and formers to be seen, although potten in resin, so not removed. In Summer '78, as the 'clear' pickups were used up they were replaced with opaque black covered examples
Typical DC resistance 5.8 kΩ
List of Gibson guitar pickups