Four sides with fold out flaps. 7" x 10". Full colour throughout. Dated 1972, but with a production code suggesting late 1971 preparation. Most likely produced around the same time as the 12-page electric solid bodies brochure.
In the early 1970s Gibson were producing many new models. This brochure featuring a Gibson SG Deluxe is really an attempt to underline some of the qualities that made Gibson guitars better than their competition.
Like serious guitar players, Gibson can't settle for second best. That is why we are constantly striving to exceed the high standards we have already set. In the new line of Gibson Solid Body Guitars, you will find technical advancements and exclusive features that combine to make Gibson the finest solid body guitar on the market.
These 'technical advancements' and 'exclusive features' include: Bigsby tailpiece, Gibson tune-o-matic bridge, humbucking pickups, elevated pickguard, 90 degree neck pitch, laminated neck, SG neck taper, volute, adjustable truss rod.
The SG Deluxe was, in fact, a renamed and redesigned version of the SG Standard, taking the same place in the SG line-up, and broadly with the same features - at least with regard pickups, controls and level of ornamentation. The redesign was not especially appreciated though, with both 1971 and '72 Deluxe sales significantly lower than 1970 Standard sales. the Deluxe was quickly withdrawn in favour of a revised SG Standard before the end of 1972 - see the 1973 Gibson Solid Bodies flyer.
This brochure has many similarities to the Gibson Bass Place, and Gibson Flat Tops brochures of the same year, and the Low Impedance for High Performance brochure of the preceding year.