1972 Gibson bass catalog front cover. The psychedelic imagery of this catalog, with its "Magical Mystery Tour" style lettering, "Yellow Submarine" rainbows and characters from the musical "Hair" would have been more appropriate back in 1968. The tides of fashion were also turning against the instruments within. The musician on the cover holds (what looks like) a hollow-body bass; the EB-2D had made its final catalog appearance two years earlier (although remained in price lists through 1972), and although dubbed "new basses by Gibson", the instruments within were largely new variants of the Gibson EB-0 and EB-3.
But it's easy to be critical with hindsight - but it was in colour! A quick look back at Gibson's advertising of the late 1960s shows endless black and white ads featuring old guys in suits. At least this brochure was aimed at the new rock crowd rather than their jazz-playing parents.
Despite a redesign the 1972 style SG basses were hardly selling beyond 1974, being replaced by a new series of instruments such as the Gibson Grabber and Gibson Ripper.