The 1971 Italian Gibson catalog shows three Les Paul models: the then brand new Gibson Les Paul Triumph bass, and two guitars, the Les Paul Custom and Les Paul Deluxe. The latter two models use the same images as in the 1970 Les Paul brochure. Interestingly the Les Paul Recording guitar, although described and despite appearing on the front cover, is not pictured on this page - perhaps surprising considering that the Recording was very much Gibson's flagship new model of 1971.
Per costruire degli strumenti veramente ottimi come queste tre chitarre, sono necessari ottimi materiali, artigiani specializzati e tecnici capaci, per consigliare caratteristiche e specifiche che facciano del prodotto uno strumento veramente unico nel suo genere. La Gibson ha saputo soddisfare tutte queste esigenze allorchè combinò le sue capacità con i preziosi suggerimenti di un uomo conosciuto da milioni di amatori di musica come « Mr, Guitar »... Les Paul
which translates as:
To build truly excellent instruments like these three guitars, you need excellent materials, specialized craftsmen and capable technicians, to recommend features and specifications that make the product a truly unique instrument of its kind. Gibson was able to satisfy all these needs when she combined her skills with the precious suggestions of a man known to millions of music lovers as Mr. Guitar