Gibson 1970 Les Paul catalog. Page 3. Details and specifications for the Les Paul Custom six string electric.
The Les Paul Custom had been reissued two years earlier, and was shown in a brochure produced at the time (see the 1968 Les Paul brochure), but previously to this it had not been listed in Gibson literature since the 1960 Gibson catalogue. This, then, was the first colour catalog appearance.
It took the combined efforts of the finest Gibson craftsmen and the ingenious Les Paul to create this fabulous contemporary sounding guitar. The LP Custom is popular with rock groups because of it's amazing sustain capabilities.
USA zone 1 price for this guitar was $575 (March 1970) rising to $595 by September of the same year. Gibson shipped 2612 Les Paul Custom guitars in 1970; not a bad figure, but the lowest of the decade; over 53000 Les Paul Customs were shipped between 1970 and 1979. The Custom was, for once, not the top of the Les Paul range; this honour went to the Les Paul Personal.