This catalog has 1962 on the front cover, though has a printing date of May 1961 on the inside back cover. It is very similar in layout to the previous 1960 Gibson guitar catalog, with the same cover illustration and dimensions (8 1/2" x 11") though it is actually a little longer at 48 pages rather than 44.
This Gibson brochure is the first to show several new models, some of which would become all-time favourites; primarily the newly designed Les Paul guitars, or the Gibson SG series as they soon became, the EB0 and EB3 basses, and a number of Gibson Artist series jazz guitars, the Johnny Smith and Barney Kessel models.
It is the final appearance of the single pickup ES-330T, the dual pickup non-cutaway ES-125TD and two flat tops; the LG-2 and LG-3.
This catalog features the following guitars. Click on the images for full size versions, or click on the model names below for more about each instrument.