Gibson 1960 guitar and amplifier catalog. Page 20. Splash page for the section on Gibson Amplifiers.
Featuring well known session musician Tony Mottola playing a Gibson ES355TD-SV. Mottola was a Gibson endorsing artist for some years in the early 1960s, being pictured with a range of different Gibson amplifiers. Here he is shown with two models, the GA-77 Vanguard and GA-88S stereo. Compare this image to the equivalent in the 1962 Gibson catalogue with just the Vanguard, or this early 1963 advertisement, using a similar image, from the same photo-shoot, but with a newer version of the Vangaurd, the Crestline series GA-77RVTL.
Although the guitar pictured is described as the ES-355T, the stereo circuitry and varitone are mentioned in the text - it can only be assumed that this page was prepared at a point in 1959 before the model designation ES-355TD-SV was widely is use.