The Gibson L5 was created by top Gibson luthier Lloyd Loar in 1922. It stayed in production for another 30 years, being played by a lot of influential musicians on the way. This guitar originally had no cutaway, and when one was produced, it had the model designation L-5C.
By the advent of electric guitars, Gibson was producing an electric version alongside the acoustic, the Gibson L5-CES, and later a solid body, the Gibson L5S
The headstock inlay of all L5 variants is the well-known 'flower pot' as shown on the left.
The following description comes from the 1970 Carved-Top Acoustics catalogue
The orchestra guitarist will marvel at the wonderfully rich tone, easy playing action and beautiful cutaway styling of the L-5C. This remarkable guitar has held its enviable position as an exceedingly popular carved top acoustic for many years