An image of Fender guitars and basses in Wildwood and Antigua finish; photographed at Studio 43, CBS Television City, Hollywood, California. From left to right: Wildwood Fender Coronado II, Antigua Fender Coronado Bass, Wildwood acoustic, Antigua Shenandoah, Wildwood Coronado XII.
Of course, Wildwood and Antigua guitars were more expensive than the standard finish models. For example, the Coronado II was listed (May 1969) at $335.50 (Sunburst / Cherry, excluding case); $449.50 (Shadow Red, Green, Blue, Antigua); $469.50 (Wildwood).
See the rest of the Coronado range, with specifications, on pages 18-19 of this catalog.
Lights, camera, action! It's always a good "take" with a Fender Wildwood Coronado, Antigua Bass, Antigua acoustic, Coronado Wildwood XII or Wildwood Acoustic. The spotlight can't miss these Fender stars whether featured on a daytime serial or a nighttime extravaganza. Be a scene stealer. Play a Fender.
AU $5000