Epiphone 1966 full line catalog. Page 9. Epiphone 12-string acoustic guitars and banjos. The guitars were the FT 85 Serenader and the FT 112 Bard; the banjos the EB188 Plantation, EB88 Minstrel, EB44 Campus and ETB77 Tenor banjo.
Two genuinely American fretted instruments are the flat top guitar and the banjo. The flat top guitar developed out of the need of the early pioneers for a rugged instrument which could stand up under the rough treatment of settling a young and growing country. Its steel strings, more rugged body construction and deep bass tones are strictly American. It was and is used primarily as an instrument to accompany the human voice, featured in Folk, Country and Western, and Bluegrass music. The gay, singing, nostalgic sounds of the banjo are equally American. Shortly after the Civil War the banjo started its climb to national popularity, and it has enjoyed periodic flurries of attention ever since. Epiphone offers fine quality flat top and jumbo flat top guitars, and important entries in the banjo field. Among these fine instruments you'll find one of the “authentic” American instruments particularly suited to your needs.
1966 US zone 1 prices were as follows: Serenader, $225; Bard, $295; Plantation, $335; Minstrel, $325; Campus, $225; Tenor banjo, $275.