But hes playing a lot of bass. A Gibson
If the Gibson Ripper that Peter plays had just one sound, it would be an excellent bass. But, the Ripper is loaded with excellent sounds. The Q System tunes and fine tunes the electronics from funky fundamental tones to rich, raunchy sounds—right on your cue. Just turn the four position transfer switch and tune the midrange and treble roll-off controls. The Super Humbuckers sound especially superb, because we matched their sensitive electronics with the Q System's special electronics.
The Gibson Ripper certainly did have a lot of sounds, but as was often the case with mid-seventies Gibson bass guitars, operating them was not always that intuitive. The first mistake is to leave all the controls at 10, and simply use the four way switch. So Gibson produced a Gibson Ripper promotional record detailing some of the better sounds available from the Ripper and how to get them. Check out the record - if you own a Ripper you might be surprised how versatile this bass can be.