Crazy 'psychedelic fish' Epiphone ad from 1967. This advertisement is quite unlike other Epiphone instruments of its time, not least for being in colour, but also instead of featuring a well regarded jazz musician. It features a very groovy looking fish playing an Epiphone Riviera. Surreal..
The Epiphone Riviera pictured in Royal Tan finish (a two colour red/yellow burst) has the later (post '64) headstock shape, and is pretty representative of later Epiphone/Kalamazoo output. Basically the Epiphone equivalent model to Gibson's ES-335. 1967 was the most successful year for the Riviera in terms of sales - actually over 40% of the entire US-built Riviera production occurred this year - despite this, within two years the brand would be reassigned to cheaper imported guitars, and the Riviera was discontinued.
Dealers don't push 'em a lot, celebrities don't endorse 'em lot, but Epiphone sells a lot. hmmmmmmmmmmm
No wheelin'. No dealin'. No hoopla. So why would Epiphone be one of the best selling guitars in the business?